Portfolio Management System (PMS)

"P2P Invoice Discounting" is a financial arrangement where businesses sell their outstanding invoices to investors through a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform. In this setup, businesses receive immediate cash by selling their unpaid invoices at a discount to investors who then collect the full amount from the debtor when the invoice matures. It's a form of alternative finance that helps businesses manage cash flow efficiently by converting their accounts receivable into immediate working capital.

Portfolio management is the art and science of selecting and overseeing a group of investments that meet the long-term financial objectives and risk tolerance of a client, a company, or an institution.

Efficiency and Automation

PMS streamlines the portfolio management process, reducing the need for manual intervention and paperwork.

Comprehensive Portfolio

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Alternate Investment Funds (AIF)

Other than the traditional modes of investment of equities, fixed income, and cash, through Alternate Investment Fund (AIF) we offer our clients an investment vehicle through which they can invest in non-traditional options such as real estate funds, and private equity, hedge funds, etc. AIFs are ideal for high net worth individuals, and institutional and corporate customers

These funds broaden the investment avenues by diversifying the client’s portfolio through an extensive range of products such as Private Equity, Residential & Commercial Real Estate Services, Real Estate Funds, Hedge Funds etc.

AIFs Are Categorized Into The Following Three Categories:

Category-I: These funds generally invest in start-ups or early stage ventures, social ventures, SMEs, infrastructure or other sectors which are considered socially or economically important for the country.

Category-II: These include private equity funds and debt funds. Private equity funds and debt offers investment in diversified portfolios managed by experienced fund managers in line with well-defined investment strategies. Hence they serve as a wary investment alternative as well as a mechanism to hedge.

Category-III: These include hedge funds and undertake leverage to a great extent. Hedge funds are aggressively managed and use several types of strategies such as leveraged, long, short and derivative positions in both domestic and international markets.