Peer-to-peer (P2P) invoice discounting

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending and investment platforms have emerged as an alternative investment avenue in India, offering opportunities for both investors and borrowers. Investors can potentially earn upto 18% p.a. fixed returns. Here's a brief overview

improved Cash Flow

Businesses gain access to immediate funds by selling their invoices, which helps them maintain healthy cash flow and meet short-term financial obligations without waiting for customers to pay.


P2P platforms streamline the process of invoice financing, making it quicker and more accessible compared to traditional financing methods. This efficiency saves time and resources for both businesses and investors


Advantages of P2P Invoice DiscountingPeer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms connect individual investors with borrowers who are seeking loans, cutting out traditional financial intermediaries like banks. In India, these platforms are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and must comply with certain regulations to operate legally.

Investors can participate in P2P lending by creating an account on a P2P lending platform and investing their money in various loan opportunities listed on the platform. They can typically choose the amount they want to invest and diversify their investment across multiple loans to spread the risk.

The returns on P2P investments can vary depending on factors such as the risk profile of the borrower, the interest rate offered, and the tenure of the loan. Generally, P2P lending platforms offer attractive returns compared to traditional investment options like fixed deposits or savings accounts.

P2P invoice discounting provides an alternative source of financing for businesses, particularly for those that may have difficulty obtaining traditional bank loans due to factors like limited credit history or collateral.

P2P platforms typically offer transparent pricing, allowing businesses to see upfront the discount rate at which they can sell their invoices. This transparency helps businesses make informed decisions about their financing options.


Invoice Discounting

Invoice discounting presents a financing avenue wherein businesses can access cash tied up in unpaid invoices. Essentially, a business sells its accounts receivable, i.e., unpaid invoices, to a third party, usually a financial institution, at a discount. In return for immediate liquidity, the business pays a fee or interest on the amount advanced.

This approach enables businesses to bolster their working capital without having to wait for customers to settle their invoices. From an investor perspective, participation in invoice discounting involves funding the purchase of these invoices through specialized platforms or financial institutions. Investors earn returns through the fees or interest charged on the advanced amount. This investment option typically carries lower risk, as it is backed by invoices from creditworthy customers.

However, investors should assess factors like the creditworthiness of the businesses whose invoices are being discounted and the terms of the agreement. Invoice discounting can thus offer investors a reliable income stream with comparatively lower volatility than other asset classes. Again investors can potentially earn upto 18% p.a. depending on the investment.